Definitions of key ratios

Return on Equity (ROE), % = Profit before taxes – taxes x 100
   Total equity, average
Return on Investment (ROI), % = Profit before taxes + interest and other financing costs x 100
   Balance sheet total – non-interest-bearing liabilities, average
Solvency, % = Total equity x 100
  Balance sheet total - advance payments received
Gearing, % = Net interest-bearing liabilities x 100
   Total equity
Net interest-bearing liabilities = Interest-bearing liabilities – cash, bank receivables and financial assets excluding restricted cash  
Earnings per share (EPS) = Profit for the period attributable to equity holders of the parent company  
   Average number of shares adjusted for share issue in financial period excluding treasury shares
Equity per share ratio = Equity attributable to the owners of the parent company  
   Number of shares adjusted for share issue at end of year
Dividend per share ratio = Dividend per share x 100
   Earnings per share
Effective dividend yield = Dividend per share x 100
   Share price at end of financial period
Price-Earnings ratio (P/E) = Share price at end of financial period  
   Earnings per share
Market value of shares = Number of shares at end of financial period x last trading price  
Average share price = Total value of shares traded (€)  
   Total number of shares traded
Gross profit margin, % = Gross profit x 100
   Net sales
Operating profit margin, % = Operating profit x 100
   Net sales
Comparable gross profit = Gross profit - items affecting comparability*  
Comparable gross profit margin, % = Gross profit - items affecting comparability* x 100
   Net sales
Comparable operating profit margin = Operating profit - items affecting comparability*  
Comparable operating profit margin, % = Operating profit - items affecting comparability* x 100
   Net sales

  *) Items affecting comparability are exceptional transactions that are not related to normal business operations. The most common items affecting comparability are capital gains and losses, inefficiencies in production related to manufacturing facility closures, additional writedowns, or reversals of write-downs, expenses due to accidents and disasters, provisions for planned restructurings, environmental matters, penalties, and changes in legislation and legal proceedings. The Group’s management exercises its discretion when taking decisions regarding the classification of items affecting comparability.